We’re here to help you get support today.

Marble For Teens

Experienced therapists

Our therapists have decades of experience working with young people. 

Convenient & virtual

Our virtual appointments are convenient and easy to attend.

Timely support

We don’t have waitlsts and typically get you into care within 4 days.

Personalized care plan

After a comprehensive intake, we’ll determine the right next step for you.

Connect with Peers

Our groups give you a chance to connect with kids your age going through similar things.


After a virtual consultation, you can start individual therapy, family therapy, or group therapy, depending on what’s best for you.


Am I a fit for Marble?

Our services are designed to be a fit for most students and families.

Our diverse team has experience working the many common (and many uncommon!) things that teens and middle schoolers navigate from social anxiety, to stress around life transitions, to identity issues, to challenging or changing family dynamics, and much more.

When do appointments take place?

Our virtual appointments take place after school (between 3pm and 8pm) and on the weekends.

How do I get ready for my first appointment?

It’s normal to be nervous about starting therapy. The first step with Marble is a 15 minute consultation where we tell you more about who we are and what it means to start care with us. Our team can answer any questions you may have about getting ready for your first appointment with your therapist.

How long will I be in care?

Our care typically lasts two to six months and can include individual therapy, group therapy, medication management, and parent guidance.

How do Marble groups work?

Our virtual groups are made up of 8 to 10 kids who are the same age, going through similar things in life.

They run for 8–12 weeks and each week, you’ll learn a specific skill to help manage whatever your struggling with, from academic anxiety to relationship issues

How much will it cost?

Marble bills insurance for the cost of care. We validate insurance coverage and estimate the costs of care before appointments take place so parents and guardians always know what to expect.

Is this confidential?

We take confidentially very seriously. All care is confidential and compliant with HIPAA and other regulations.

Some teens take part in group therapy through Marble. Groups are made up of students from across the state. Participants in groups never share last names and no contact information is shared across the group..


Marble helps teens feel better today.

Marble for Families

Affordable & convenient

We accept all insurances and appointments are virtual.

Experienced therapists

Our therapists have decades of experience working with young people.

Always in the loop

We keep you in the loop as care progresses, and connect you with your child’s therapist so you can let us know how things are going at home.

No waitlist

Our licensed therapists are available to see your kid within days.

Schedule a consultation today to talk with Marble about starting care.

Schedule a Consultation